Mc Grane family

Mc Grane family

My granny, Bridget Mc Grane, came from quite a big family in Ballincarrick, Ballintra, Co Donegal. Here I have documented the Mc Grane connections with links to Facebook pages and businesses where I could find them.

Charles Mc Grane b1865 / d 1935 m Mary Anne Travers b1869 / d1938
BallinacarrickBallintra, Co Donegal

Children: Bernard, John, Jim, Edward, Charles, Hugh, Sarah, Mary Catherine, Annie, and Bridget

a)    Bernard b1898 / d1918
b)    John Patrick b1892 / d1914
c)    James b1890 / d1970 m Jeannie Coyle b1901 / d1985
(Pub, Bridge End, Strabane)
a.    Sean m Sheila Donnelly (Sean owner Modern Man, Main St, Strabane)
                                          i.    James m Edel Cairns (Modern Man, Main St, Strabane)
1.    Molly
                                        ii.    Jon Gail (Glasgow, Scotland)
1.    Eilidh
                                       iii.    Denise m Neil Devlin (Denise is owner of Positive Parties, Strabane)
1.    Emer
2.    Orla
b.    Marie m Bill Mullins (UK)
                                          i.    Joanne
                                        ii.    Nicola
d)    Edward b1889 / d1970 m Mary Catherine (Minnie) Gallagher d1966
(Inherited the family homestead in Ballintra, Co Donegal)
a.    John b1925 / d2003 m Eilish (John worked the family farm in Ballintra)
                                          i.    Edward b1964 m Isabelle Gallagher (continues to farm at Ballintra)
1.    Lisa
2.    Eoin
3.    Eamonn
4.    ???
                                        ii.    Elizabeth b1966
                                       iii.    Peter b1970 m Claire Groom
1.    William
2.    Thomas
                                       iv.    Marie b1972 m Enda Miland
                                        v.    Blaise d1963

b.    Patricia (Patsy) m  Edward Mc Cauley (Farm, Clady, Co Tyrone)
                                          i.    Daniel b1948 (SMA Priest in Kontagora, Nigeria)
                                        ii.    Martin
                                       iii.    Paddy
                                       iv.    Mary
                                        v.    Eddie
                                       vi.    Carol
                                      vii.    Geraldine
                                    viii.    Terry
                                       ix.    Noel
                                        x.    Clare
                                       xi.    John
                                      xii.    Brian
                                    xiii.    Anne d 1995
c.    Greta m James Quinn
                                          i.    Anne
                                        ii.    Margaret
                                       iii.    Eamonn
                                       iv.    Seamus
                                        v.    Sean
                                       vi.    Regina
                                      vii.    Donal
d.    Celia b1931/d1981 m Thomas Brogan b1930/d1982
                                          i.    Tony
                                        ii.    Michael
                                       iii.    Tommy
                                       iv.    Edward d1981
                                        v.    Cecilia
                                       vi.    Jennifer
                                      vii.    Patricia
                                    viii.    Sinead
e.    Maureen m Jim Mc Garrigle
                                          i.    Bernadette d 1934
                                        ii.    PJ
                                       iii.    Margaret
                                       iv.    Sean
                                        v.    Eddie
                                       vi.    Geraldine]Aideen
                                      vii.    Clare
e)    Charles b1897/d1962 m Mary Molloy d1996 (Pub, Bridge Street, Strabane)
No children
f)     Hugh b1903 m Nonnie Campbell (Tyrconnell Stores, Lifford, Co Donegal)
No children
g)    Mary Catherine b1886 m Hugh Lawrence Shine (Boston)
a.    Mary
b.    Charles
c.    Hugh
                                          i.    Bernie
d.    John / Jack
e.    Dorothy
f.     Eileen
g.    Virginia
h.    Francis William (Bill) m Shirley Benton
                                          i.    Cate (NY)
                                        ii.    Christopher
                                       iii.    William Francis
                                       iv.    Mary Beth (NY)
h)   Annabella (Annie) b1894 m (1922) Patrick Doran b1880 / d1957  
(Master Baker, Meetinghouse St, Strabane)
a.    Peter b1923 m Sheila
                                          i.    Barry Patrick
                                        ii.    Fiona
                                       iii.    Eileen Geraldine
                                       iv.    Ann
                                        v.    John
                                       vi.    Peter Kevin (Mayo)
b.    Patrick Gerald Harley (Gerard) b1925/d2006 m (1980) Bernie Connolly  (Dorans Bakery, Strabane)
No children
c.    Monica b1926/d1985  m Danny Mc Laughlin d2000 (Strabane)
                                          i.    Brian
                                        ii.    Colin m Deirdre
1.    Lee
2.    Ryan
3.    Colin
                                       iii.    Rory m Imelda Kane?
                                       iv.    Aideen m  Chris Masterson
1.    Jack
2.    Declan
                                        v.    Ciaran m Mary
1.    3 children?
                                       vi.    Brona
1.    2 sons?
d.    John b1929 m Rosemary Semple
                                          i.    Maura
                                        ii.    Patricia
                                       iii.    Carmel
                                       iv.    Christopher (Canada)
                                        v.    Gerald
                                       vi.    Sharon
                                      vii.    Brendan
e.    Brendan b1931 / d1989  m Maeve O Donoghue
(Shop, Market St, Strabane)
                                          i.    Kevin Patrick
                                        ii.    Nuala Mary (London)
                                       iii.    Niamh
                                       iv.    Orla
                                        v.    Deirdre (New Zealand)
                                       vi.    Sinead (Australia)
                                      vii.    Niall
f.     Patricia b1934
g.    Desmond b1938 m (1968) Patricia M Lynch (Texas)
                                          i.    Brendan Patrick m Lila Adams (Texas)
1.    Peter + Brayden (twins)
2.    Charlie
                                        ii.    Michael Liam Molly Russell (New Orleans)
1.    Moira Fiona
2.    Miles Russell
                                       iii.    Kerry Elizabeth m Brian Cloney

i)     Sarah Agnes b1906 / d1994 m(1938) Jim Behan b1905 (Sgt, Garda Síochána)
a.    Hugh Francis (Ordained 1964, Parish Priest, Missouri, USA)
b.    Seamus
j)      Bridget b1888 (my granny) m Bob Millar


  1. Gerard's real name is Patrick Gerald Harley Doran....fantastic job.....

    Patricia is orginally from Bournemouth, England...we are Texans by choice....

  2. Thanks. I have Texas as where you live now. I can add in the Strabane/Bournemouth connection when I write the family 'stories' :)

  3. Hi Noeleen , great read, was Brigdet "aunty Bee"? she used to live in the Meeting House Street house with my Graany ( Annie) and my dad and brothers and sisters. I always though Aunty Bee never married. Sinead

  4. Sinead, the Aunty Bee you remember is your on your Doran side, she was Annie's sister-in-law.

  5. Thank you so much for this history. My mother and Fr. Hugh Behan are relatives. Sarah Agnes & my Grandfather (Thomas Gallagher- Behy, Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal) were cousins. Thomas' mother was Anne McGrane (b. approximately 1856), so my guess is that Anne (my great-grandma) was Charles' McGrane's sister. If you (or anyone here) can help me find something to show that connection, I would be most grateful. I have posted my family tree on under the name jruggieri73.
    Thanks again, and it's wonderful to find (extended) cousins!
    Justin Ruggieri

    1. Justin, I have documents that Charles had one sister - now I think I know who she was! I will contact another distant cousin on the Mc Grane side and see if we can confirm it.
