Tuesday, June 26, 2012

John Hargan

The following information contributed by Alan + Tina Bennet.....

John Hargan, father of Mary Anne Watson,  was born about 1800. The Family Search of the Civil Registrations Index 1845 - 1958 shows a John Hargan recorded in 1865 as dying in Londonderry aged 65. Approx birth 1800. Londonderry city would not necessarily be the actual place of death. Londonderry, being the biggest city/town near Claudy, is where it was recorded.

He would have been 35 years old when Mary Anne was born.

Recorded as being a farmer in Lyng (now Ling), in the parish of Cumber Upper Co Derry (see map) at time of wedding of Mary Anne to James Watson 9th March 1853.

Married in Uniting church of England and Ireland.

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