Monday, July 2, 2012

Patrick J Leahy in Rathcabbin

The following compiled by Noeleen..........

In 1901, 23 yr old Patrick J Leahy was boarding with the Post Mistress in Rathcabbin, Co Tipperary. A search of the 1901 census for Rathcabbin does not show any other people registered as being a teacher in the area. He could not have been the only teacher at the school because in 1901 the school was a two story building, with the Gurteen Girls National School on the top floor, and the Gurteen Boys National School on the ground floor (or vice versa). Hence, there would have at least been two teachers.

I made a phone call to Fr John Donnelly, Rathcabbin today 2/7/2012. He told me that the present school (Rathcabbin National School) was opened in 1946 and was an amalgamation of Gurteen Boys and Gurteen Girls National Schools dating from 1833. When the new school was opened the old school records were not transfered to the new building. Pity :(

Fr Donnelly told me that the new school is on a different location but the old school building is being used as a private residence today. Worth a visit to Rathcabbin I think!!

He suggests contacting Ms Nancy Carroll, the retired Post Mistress for Rathcabbin, who incidently remembers the old Post Mistress, Anne Coonan who PJ Leahy lodged with. Ms Carroll is 80 years old and obviously born after 1901 but may have some local history for me.

I might just well follow up on this!! Put on my Detective Inspector cap again and find her details. Watch this space...........

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